Mom went back to work this week. She cried and was all "I'm going to miss you so much!"
I pretended that I was gonna miss her too.
Don't leave me Mom! |
Sad face. |
I even whimpered in my sleep. |
the thing is, I got to go to Grandma and Papa's with cousin
Christopher. Life doesn't really get much better than that! Except for
maybe when Mom gives me Tylenol or Gripe Water. Or when I poop on Dad and then laugh about it.
First I chilled with Christopher. We talked Legos and dinosaurs.
Then I lounged on my favorite toy. We bounced, kicked, chatted and laughed together.
Then Grandma swooned over me.
I showed Grandma how to give butterfly kisses.
But she tricked me and gave me a real kiss in return. Complete with slobber.
I then decided to get back to my regularly scheduled job of being cute.
Next week I get Grandma day care two days a week and center day care three days. The center has friends my age that don't have fur. I'm gonna have a posse!