First, I have to practice my sitting skills like, ALL the time.
Then they make me play tummy time.
I also have to work on my eating skills
And I have gym class where we play with (and eat) sensory balls.
I have to take a break from all the hard work to flirt with Robbin and Debbie, my two main day care lady-friends. Otherwise, they might forget to snuggle me.
Then it's back to music class. I have to play instruments and sing along.
As if all that wasn't hard enough, then I have more sitting practice where they bribe me with a whole BOX of toys.

More crawling practice....
And finally some time with my stuffed purple-guy friend.
I mean, no wonder I don't have time to nap! I have so much learning to do! Luckily, I'm one of the bestest behaved babies because I don't cry much. I much prefer smiling and laughing. So Debbie and Robbin don't make me have too much sleep time because I don't wear my cranky pants for them. I save those for the weekend!
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