Every once in a while, I turn in to a really big pickle. I waited until Friday evening, when all the doctors offices were closed, to get REALLY bad diaper rash, scream about my ears, get a fever, have my eyes glued shut with goop, and be generally pickle-like.
Mom and Dad took me to Urgent Care. Mostly I think they like to torture me with needle gun things and clothing thieves.

I chilled with Mom 'til the Dr came in. Then I was all "NO, don't take my clothes! Don't stab me!"
I prayed a lil about it.
Then they said, nope, we just need to stick this thingy to your foot. Win!
After that, the dr and I were besties.
I was not besties with my strep infection. Or pink eye. I shared them with Mom and Dad though, cause they're always like "sharing is caring."
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